3rd job advancement maplestory priest after bigbang theory

Ayumilove Hidden-Sanctuary for MapleStory.
MapleStory - News - V.118 Champions Event.3rd job advancement maplestory priest after bigbang theory
Maplestory 3rd Job Advancement Big Bang.MapleStory : 3rd Job Advancement (Hermit). Maplestory 3rd Job Advancement Big Bang. MapleStory : 3rd Job Advancement (Hermit).
Maple Old Days It will be great if you watch it in high quality! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImH23O

- be level 120 or higher - speak in turn with your 3rd and 4th Job Instructors - and obtain two special items: The Heroic Star and The Heroic Pentagon.
EDIT 2: Due to popular demand here are the answers to all the questions for 3rd job. http://www.basilmarket.com/MapleStory I know its says thief but it
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MapleStory Ice Lightning Guide.
3rd job advancement maplestory priest after bigbang theory
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